• @manton has totally reminded me that on the macOS X server stuff we use to run, the main server IT person who became a great friend had decreed we could only name servers after characters from Are you Being Served, we didn't run out of names and it was fun. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Are_...

  • @manton Fantastic stuff ! I do not know how you manage all the design across both interface design and engineering front end and back end plus all the features !

  • @manton thanks instagram is all done ! now one last thing that I havent fixed still is on my tweets blog which I have tried to rebuild a couple of times (and reimport) once I get to this "tweet" the rest which I can see / search in the back end but not on front end tweets.adamprocter.co.uk/2013/07/2... - they start to say

    The page you requested is still being published. It should be available soon.

    suggested actions ? rebuild ? again ? is there a good time to do this to keep server load light ?

  • @manton I think it has done it :)

  • @manton import of instagram was 2890 photos... instagram.adamprocter.co.uk hasn't updated yet ?

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